Amr Abdelgawad


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Amr Abdelgawad

FluidAI Medical


Amr Abdelgawad is the Chief Operating Officer and one of FluidAI’s co-founders. Amr has a Bachelor’s of Applied Science Degree in Nanotechnology Engineering and a Master’s of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology from the University of Waterloo. Over the years, Amr has been able to develop his business acumen through the Master’s of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology (MBET) program at the University of Waterloo and by leading operations, finance, and commercial activities at FluidAI. Amr is also the 2016 Ontario Student Entrepreneur of the Year, the 2016 runner-up Canada Student Entrepreneur of the Year, the 2017 Canada Student Entrepreneur of the Year, and a 2017 TEDxUW speaker.